Cat Evans

Photographer - San Luis Obispo, CA

I can remember taking pictures as a young girl. The draw to capture the now and preserve it for later. I have a love of art & life and photography was a natural combination for me to capture what I was seeing.

Through workshops I have learned the technical aspect of photography, but my images come from my heart and emotions. There is something in every image that drew me to it.

I am fortunate that I find many fascinating things right in front of me or a world away. My work has been juried into different art shows throughout California.

From my first Kodak with the cube flash to my first SLR film camera to the digital SLR’s of today, I will continue to be amazed at what life has to capture. So it is…Thru Catz Eyes

Catherine “Cat” Evans

To find out more about Cat Evans and her work, visit her on Instagram!


Holly Beals